Wednesday, 16 December 2015

                       MALAYSIAN DAY


      September 16 is the historical Malaysian Day. It is an occasion that enables Malaysians to rekindle their patriotic spirit, foster inter-racial harmony,integration and unity which are vital ingredients for successful nation-building in our multi-racial Malaysia. It is our responsibility as Malaysians to ensure the sanctity of Malaysia Day and to give it the right meaning and significance. 

         Malaysian Day celebrations should be an auspicious occasion to bring people of diverse races together for a common goal,which is unity in diversity. To prevent Malaysians from drifting apart and to heal a divided nation,it is the people of all races who must be concerned about the future of our nation and be prepared to be the ethnic bridge builders.

        In conclusion, Unity in diversity is a priceless gift that must be cherished by all Malaysians.

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